
Read here to learn how to set input parameters to hophop and how output is written.


Parameters are specified in hophop on the command line only. The following is the output of hophop -h, that describes all available CLI parameters.

HOP 2.4

This software simulates hopping in disordered semiconductors with hopping on
localized states. It uses Monte-Carlo simulation techniques. See the README.rst
file to learn more.

Usage: HOP [-h|--help] [-V|--version] [-q|--quiet]
         [-fSTRING|--conf_file=STRING] [-m|--memreq] [--rseed=LONG]
         [-iINT|--nruns=INT] [-P|--parallel] [-tINT|--nthreads=INT]
         [-FFLOAT|--field=FLOAT] [-TFLOAT|--temperature=FLOAT]
         [-lINT|--length=INT] [-XINT|--X=INT] [-YINT|--Y=INT] [-ZINT|--Z=INT]
         [-NINT|--nsites=INT] [-nINT|--ncarriers=INT] [--rc=FLOAT]
         [-pFLOAT|--exponent=FLOAT] [-aFLOAT|--llength=FLOAT] [--gaussian]
         [--lattice] [--removesoftpairs] [--softpairthreshold=FLOAT]
         [--cutoutenergy=FLOAT] [--cutoutwidth=FLOAT]
         [-ILONG|--simulation=LONG] [-RLONG|--relaxation=LONG]
         [-xINT|--nreruns=INT] [--many] [--be] [--mgmres] [--be_it=LONG]
         [--be_oit=LONG] [--tol_abs=FLOAT] [--tol_rel=FLOAT] [--an]
         [-oSTRING|--outputfolder=STRING] [--transitions]
         [-ySTRING|--summary=STRING] [-cSTRING|--comment=STRING]

  -h, --help                    Print help and exit
  -V, --version                 Print version and exit
  -q, --quiet                   Don't say anything.  (default=off)
  -f, --conf_file=STRING        Location of a configuration file for the
  -m, --memreq                  Estimates the used memory for the specified
                                  parameter set. Print's the information and
                                  exits immediately  (default=off)
      --rseed=LONG              Set the random seed manually.
  -i, --nruns=INT               The number of runs to average over.
  -P, --parallel                If the runs given with the --nruns option
                                  should be executed using mutliple cores and
                                  parallelization. This suppresses any progress
                                  output of the runs but will be very fast on
                                  multicore systems.  (default=off)
  -t, --nthreads=INT            The number of threads to use during parallel
                                  computing. 0 means all there are.

External physical parameters:
  Some external physical quantities.
  -F, --field=FLOAT             The electric field strength in z-direction.
  -T, --temperature=FLOAT       The temperature of the simulation.

System information:
  Parameters describing the distribution of sites in the system
  -l, --length=INT              This parameter specifies the length of the
                                  (cubic) sample. If it parameter is set, the
                                  options X,Y,Z are ignored!
  -X, --X=INT                   The x-length of the sample. Right now, only
                                  cubic samples should be used, so rather use
                                  the parameter --length.  (default=`50')
  -Y, --Y=INT                   The y-length of the sample. Right now, only
                                  cubic samples should be used, so rather use
                                  the parameter --length.  (default=`50')
  -Z, --Z=INT                   The z-length of the sample. Right now, only
                                  cubic samples should be used, so rather use
                                  the parameter --length.  (default=`50')
  -N, --nsites=INT              The number of localized states. This value has
                                  to be bigger than --ncarriers. Deprecated!
                                  Scale the number os states using --length.
  -n, --ncarriers=INT           The number of charge carriers in the system.
      --rc=FLOAT                Determines up to which distance sites should be
                                  neighbors.  (default=`3')
  -p, --exponent=FLOAT          The exponent of the DOS g(x) = exp(-(x)^p)
  -a, --llength=FLOAT           Localization length of the sites, assumed equal
                                  for all of them.  (default=`0.215')
      --gaussian                Use a Gaussian DOS with std. dev. 1. g(x) =
                                  exp(-1/2*(x)^2)  (default=off)
      --lattice                 Distribute sites on a lattice with distance
                                  unity. Control nearest neighbor hopping and
                                  so on with --rc  (default=off)
      --removesoftpairs         Remove softpairs.  (default=off)
      --softpairthreshold=FLOAT The min hopping rate ratio to define a softpair
      --cutoutenergy=FLOAT      States below this energy will be cut out of the
                                  DOS  (default=`0')
      --cutoutwidth=FLOAT       The width of energies who are cutted.

Monte carlo simulation:
  The following options matter only, when the system is simulated using a Monte
  Carlo simulation (which is the default)
  -I, --simulation=LONG         The number of hops during which statistics are
                                  collected.  (default=`1000000000')
  -R, --relaxation=LONG         The number of hops to relax.
  -x, --nreruns=INT             How many times should the electron be placed at
                                  some random starting position?  (default=`1')
      --many                    Instead of using the mean field approach,
                                  simulate multiple charge carriers. (slow!!!)

Balance equations:
  These options only matter, when the solution is found by solving the balance
  equations. (setting the --be flag)
      --be                      Solve balance equations  (default=off)
      --mgmres                  Force use of mgmres instead of lis
      --be_it=LONG              Max inner iterations after which the
                                  calculation is stopped.   (default=`300')
      --be_oit=LONG             Max outer iterations or restarts of the
                                  algorithm.  (default=`10')
      --tol_abs=FLOAT           absolute tolerance for finding the solution
      --tol_rel=FLOAT           relative tolerance for finding the solution

Analytic calculations:
  These options control the analytic calculation of several properties of the
  system, like the transport energy or the mobility.
      --an                      Also try to calculate stuff analytically
  -B, --percolation_threshold=FLOAT
                                The percolation threshold.  (default=`2.7')

  -o, --outputfolder=STRING     The name of the output folder if one wants
                                  output files.
      --transitions             Save all transitions to a file. (Can be big,
                                  scales with -l^3!) Only valid when
                                  --outputfolder is given  (default=off)
  -y, --summary=STRING          The name of the summary file to which one
                                  summary result line is then written.
  -c, --comment=STRING          Specify a string that is appended to the line
                                  in the summary file for better overview over
                                  the simulated data.


There are three ways to get output from the simulation:

-o, --outputfolder

When the CLI parameter --outputfolder (or, equivalently, -o) is specified, hophop creates a directory with that value and writes results.

The following files are written:

  • params.conf:

    A file with the command line parameters given for that simulation. A simulation can be started from such a file using the CLI parameter -f, --conf_file.

  • 1/results.dat:

    A column-based text file with some simulation parameters and results. Each simulation is one line. When the file already exists, a new line will be added. The descriptions of the columns are given in the first two lines of the file.

    When multiple runs are simulated, with the parameter -i, --nruns, then a folder is created for each run, e.g., 1/results.dat, 2/results.dat etc.

  • 1/sites.dat:

    The generated system and the number of times each site was visited. The columns of the file are as follows:

    x   y   z   energy    times_visited     times_visited_upward

    times_visited_upward is the number of times this site was visited in a hop, where the original energy is lower than that of the target site (i.e., the hop is energetically an upward hop).

    times_visited and times_visited_upward are only non-zero in KMC mode.

    When multiple runs are simulated, with the parameter -i, --nruns, then a folder is created for each run, e.g., 1/sites.dat, 2/sites.dat etc.

-y, --summary

Path to a single columnar summary file, in which system parameters and results are written. Each simulation is one line. When the file already exists, a new line will be added. The descriptions of the columns are given in the first two lines of the file.

In BE mode, some columns will be NaN or zero.


Some results will also be written to stdout.